Why do we floss? And are there any alternatives?

Let’s face it… many of us know we need to floss, but many of us do not floss.

Why is that the case? Is it because we don’t know how? It’s too hard to reach the back areas? Or is it because we just don’t think we need to as mouthwash will “blast away” all the plaque like “dynamite against germs”?

Why do we floss?

Firstly, we floss because it enables us to remove plaque and food particles in places where a toothbrush cannot easily reach — under the gumline and between your teeth. Because plaque build-up can lead to tooth decay and gum disease, daily flossing is highly recommended.

One of my university lecturers once told me “you don’t have to floss… you just floss the teeth you want to keep!”

Do yourself a favour and let’s get flossing! brushing alone is only doing half the job!

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More cosmetic cases explained

Due to the overwhelming amount of phone calls I’ve received about my mother in law’s veneers, I thought I’d also explain some other cases which you might be able to relate to.

Some patients have called and asked whether I could be able to “fix their teeth” even if they’re “crooked and dark”. The answer in short, most likely… yes.

Below is another case of veneers, this time on a much younger patient.

She presented complaining of having “gappy teeth”.

gap in teeth

teeth front gap

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Fluoride… what is it? why is it in our water?

Before I continue on with my veneers post of my mother-in-law, I thought it’d be good for me to identify an issue that keeps arising amongst my patients.

“How do I get rid of fluoride from our water system?”

…Firstly, why would you want to get rid of the fluoride from the water? Time and time again I’ve seen people from interstate and overseas with not a filling in their mouth… is it because they are great brushers, flossers, and mouthrinsers? Probably… but it’s also due to the fluoride exposure as their teeth were forming!

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My lovely mother in law… a veneer case explained

Hi all… this is my first post in the newly re-vamped Underwood Dental Care website. Keep checking back as I will be making regular posts on dental topics from things I see, to things I hear patients want explained. Or better still… post your questions to [email protected] and I will be sure to blog about it!

My first post will be on my lovely mother-in-law. I will be getting married in October and like all mother of the brides, they want to look their best. I will use her as a discussion case for those who have always been curious about veneers… made “famous” and “publicly aware”  on “Extreme Makeover”

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