Tooth whitening and tooth wear

An interesting fact to start.  A recent study said that enamel samples treated with orange juice for 20 minutes over 5 cycles (to simulate daily exposure over 5 days) had a 64% decrease in micro-hardness versus no statistically significant changes in samples treated with 6% hydrogen peroxide (a component of many whitening packages). (Source: Ren Y et al, Effects of Tooth Whitening and Orange Juice on Surface Properties of Dental Enamel, Journal of Dentistry, June 2009, Vol  37, No 6, pg 424-431)

What does this mean for me?

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Caring for your children’s teeth

Often I find parents present to the clinic with their young children after noticing something “different” in their developing mouth. It’s useful to have some basic knowledge about your children’s, and how to care for their developing mouth.

Baby teeth start to form in the jaw bone before birth, but usually erupts at about six months of age, but can occur as early as birth or as late as the child’s first birthday. Children usually have a total of 20 primary teeth- with the first adult tooth usually erupting at the age of six.

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