Invisalign® – the clear alternative to braces

It’s been a very long time since I’d last blogged. With the endless summer finally out of the way, easter bunny having already made a visit, we’re well and truly staring down the middle of 2012! One hot topic that patients have been enquiring about this year has been on “straightening teeth without braces”.

Invisalign is a teeth straightening system developed to take the fuss or embarrassment out of braces. It works by a series of clear aligners that fit perfectly around your teeth to gradually correct and bring your teeth into an ideal smile. There are no metal wires or brackets, so no need to worry about mouth irritations, as the aligners are comfortable to wear and can be easily removed for eating, drinking, brushing and flossing.

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Mouthguard Awareness

With footy season upon us, it’s time to consider not only protecting your body, but protecting your teeth. Sporting injuries are among one of the most common dental injuries.

Every year thousands of people, including children are treated for dental injuries that could have been minimised or avoided had a protective, custom-fitted mouthguard been worn.

Some useful information about mouth guard awareness can be accessed from the Australian Dental Association Website.

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Introducing Dr Tania Bong

As we begin 2012, I, on behalf of all the staff at Underwood Dental Care would like to thank all our clients for supporting us into our 3rd year of trading. We have come a long way from our humble beginnings in October 2009, and we strive to continue to provide high levels of patient care with genuine customer service in modern surroundings.

In aiding me in accomplishing this, I would like to introduce Dr Tania Bong to the team.


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Merry Christmas from all the team at Underwood Dental Care

The year’s flown by and Christmas is just around the corner. With twelve sleeps to go, we will be looking forward to all kinds of feasting- cakes, chocolates, lollies etc.

The festive season is a time when people often eat more sugar and more frequently than at any other time of the year. And being a dental blog, I should point out that there can be some serious problems for teeth unless sensible and straightforward steps are taken.

Chocolates, lollies and sweets are high in sugar, which can often stick onto tooth surfaces especially in between your teeth. For that reason, amongst all the business of christmas parties, preparations etc, let’s not forget to brush and floss our teeth.

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